How to capture screenshot of a ‘dropdown’ menu in linux ?

Simple, isn’t it ? why do you need to blog about it ? It was my thought til now. but I see its an unanswered question for many..

Highlight dropdown menu and just do ‘PrtSc’ (Print screen button ) .. thats it ?  Unfortunately NO .  If you press, ‘Prt Scrn’ key, the opened drop down menus collapse back up into its parent tab.

Then what to do ?

If you are using gnome :

Click on ‘Applications’ -> – ‘Accessories’ -> Then application called ‘Take Screenshot’ .  There you may see an option called ‘Grab After a delay of ‘0’ seconds. This timer/’second’ field can be edited and changed to something like ‘5’.

once you set it , ‘Click on take Screenshot’ and highlight your dropdown and Wait for automatic screenshot capture..

I am not a kde user, so dont know the exact answer on kde. But, any similar applbication should have similar option.

2 thoughts on “How to capture screenshot of a ‘dropdown’ menu in linux ?”

    • Sorry, I am not aware of … Also I think, it will not be possible being ‘its basically a direct interaction of hardware’… not sure though.. I will check it if any ..

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