socket programming in python ?

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    Almost everyone know how socket programming works .. Its no different in python. The same pattern follows..

    If you are writing a server side program. It should have:

    1) Create a socket object
    2) Bind it with the hostname and port
    3) Start istening for the incoming connection
    4) Sending data to client
    5) Close the socket

    Client side:
    1) Create socket object
    2) Connect to the server
    3) Receive reply from the server..
    4) close the socket


    A quick demonstration of the above can be shown like :

    #You need to import socket module
    import socket
    import sys
    #Create a socket object ..
    sockObj = socket.socket()
    # You can get IP address of any host by using below method
    remote = socket.gethostbyname("")
    # If you want to get your hostname , use below 
    local = socket.gethostname()
    # define a port to work with
    myport= 54321
    print ("Remote server :%s , Local :%s") %(remote, local)
           # Binding the socket , you can use "local", remote  
    #variables    stored above as first argument for the bind call 
    # Let it listen!
    except Exception as e:
    	print "Error in operation :({0}): ({1})".format(e.errno, e.strerror) 
    while True:
           # Accept client connection
       	client, addr = sockObj.accept() 
       	print 'Got connection from', addr
           # sending data to client
       	c.send('You are welcome and Thank you for connecting')
           # Then closing the socket
    Client Program
    import socket
     # Create a socket object
    clientSocket = socket.socket()        
    host = socket.gethostname() 
    port = 54321                
    #Connecting to server program 
    clientSocket.connect(("", port))
    #Receiving date from the server
    print clientSocket.recv(1024)
    #Close it 
    Now, try to execute the server and client program:
    In one terminal execute and let it listen
    In other terminal execute client program :
    [hchiramm@humbles-lap sql-back]$ ./ 
    You are welcome and Thank you for connecting
    Let me know if you need further explanation.. 
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